
Loaf Mountain

Summit Elevation (m): 2639
Elevation Gain (m): 800
Trip Time (hr): 8
Total Trip Distance (km): 22
Quick ‘n Dirty Rating: Class 2 – you fall, you sprain something
Difficulty Notes: No difficulties, mostly hiking on grassy slopes with trails.
Technical Rating: OT3; YDS (Hiking)
GPS Track: Gaia
Map: Google Maps

On Saturday, October 18th 2008 Wietse, Naomi and I tagged the summit of Loaf Mountain in the East Castle area, just north of Waterton National Park. Due to a seasonal closure of the road that leads to the normal trail head, we had to walk an additional 4 km each way from a locked gate. This resulted in more exercise but also prevented us from bagging more than one peak, simply because time and energy wouldn’t allow for it. You can do Spionkop Ridge along with Loaf if you have the energy / time. You can also scramble Drywood Mountain and Loaf if you’re so inspired.

Loaf Mountain Route Map

Despite the long walk on an uninspiring road, the trip was still worth it. The easy road hiking allows for deep conversation. All the larches had lost their needles in the strong winds but the colorful rocks and vegetation was still a treat for the eyes. Following Nugara’s trip description worked great and we encountered no difficulties. We went a short ways (5-10 minutes) after a large waterfall in the creek before crossing the creek easily and heading up easy-angled slopes.

Looking ahead to the colorful Loaf in the distance at left. Drywood on the right here.
Sheep hunters on horseback along Drywood Creek.
Great views down South Drywood Creek with Drywood looming on the left.

The wind was brutal but thankfully the temperatures were very warm (12 degrees at 08:00) so even though it was cool on the summit we could enjoy some views before escaping down the west slopes and contouring back toward the trail heading up to Boivin Lake. We met some hunters on horseback throughout the day – they were looking for sheep but I still felt good about wearing my bright orange jacket! They seemed impressed by our route choice and expressed amazement at the distance we walked.

Very interesting terrain with soaring cliffs, dead trees and extremely colorful rock.
One of my favorite shots from the entire Castle / Crown Wilderness Area – incredible lines and colors in this view towards Loaf Mountain.
Boivin Lake with Victoria Ridge, Windsor Mountain and Castle Peak in the background.
Looking south (L) and west (R) off the summit towards Glendowan, Spionkop Ridge, Newman, Avion Ridge and Sage.

We briefly considered tagging Spionkop Ridge but the incredibly strong wind discouraged us from summing the energy to bother. Since Spionkop can be combined with Newman Peak and Avion Ridge we thought we’d save it for another day. 

Looking east down the ridge of Loaf with Drywood on the left and an outlier of Spionkop and Mount Roche on the right.
A long, but easy, walk back along South Drywood Creek.

The long hike back to the car from Boivin Lake was uneventful and filled with good conversation. I would recommend this peak for a day when other areas might be out of season or as a two peak day with either Spionkop or Drywood Mountain. On its own it’s just a really long hike, albeit a rather pleasant one.

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